Catering would not have become what it is today without the dedication and caring of its wonderful team. We would like to introduce you to them so you can know a little bit about the people behind the 5 star Italian cuisine you will be enjoying.
Renato and Gina Bianchi
Husband and wife team, this is the power couple who founded Santa Maria Catering in 2001 and worked tirelessly to build it into the 5 star catering business it is today.
Master chef and creator of all things spectacular in the kitchen. Renato is Italian-born and learned to cook authentic Italian cuisine in his Sicilian grandmother’s kitchen. His early interest in food led him into the culinary world where he worked in several Italian restaurant kitchens around Canada before establishing his own business with his lovely wife Gina.
Wife of Renato, Gina is also blessed to have Italian blood flowing through her veins. Gina “keeps the books”, interacts with clients, hires staff, pays the bills and just about anything else you can think of that doesn’t involve the actual cooking of the food. Oh, and Gina also manages to see that the couple’s three children get to school on time, have packed lunches, cleans house and a myriad of other tasks that a working mother and wife handles on a day-to-day basis.
Stephanie Beckham
Stephanie is Gina’s “right hand man” and according to Gina Santa Maria Catering would not exist if it were not for the hours Stephanie puts in every week to ensure that every aspect of the business runs smoothly. Stephanie is the troubleshooter and takes everything in her stride, seeming to be completely unflappable. From smoothing ruffled feathers to finding an elusive ingredient that Renato “must have or the dish will be ruined” Stephanie is the “go to girl” for almost everything.

Antonio Rossi
Just as Gina has her “right hand man” in Stephanie Renato has Antonio. The two have worked together for many years and have established not only an excellent working relationship but a deep and enduring friendship. Antonio is so well attuned to Renato’s culinary style that he is able to replicate many of them without supervision, leaving the creating to Renato. Antonio was Renato’s first choice when he and Gina decided to start the catering business, and it has proven to be a wise choice as Antonio is extremely capable and skilled in preparing and cooking authentic Italian dishes.
Kim Bates, Rhonda Curry and Pete Lambert
Someone has to do the “donkey work” and these three wonderfully skilled and capable kitchen hands tackle any task asked of them cheerfully. All have extensive experience in top quality kitchens and were hand-selected by Renato and Gina to join their team. Combined they have been with Santa Maria Catering for over 12 years. What makes each of these team members so integral to the success of the company is that they are also experienced wait staff and are willing to step in when needed.
Charlie Ryan
Head of the wait staff, Charlie has a great sense of humor, which he is only too willing to share with anyone who is willing to listen. Though his constant joke telling is enjoyed by the rest of the team his zest for life doesn’t overshadow the fact that he is extremely good at his job. He has an exacting standard and expects nothing less of the wait staff. Charlie has been with Santa Maria Catering for 3 years and was head hunted by Gina and Renato when they dined at the restaurant he was working at.
Adelina Bianchi
Yes, this is Gina and Renato’s first born daughter and has recently joined the family business part time. Though she is only 16 she is learning all aspects of the business from food preparation to helping clients decide on a menu. Adelina is still attending school and it looks hospitality studies are in her near future.